Thursday, December 1, 2005


The recent discovery of language on Baby J's part has left very little room for his baby talk. Today while I lay in bed hoping for some miracle that he would go back to sleep for another 3 hours instead of calling ‘ma-yee’ or ‘da-yee’ he realized no one was going to get him so soon. Suddenly, I can tell he just sat down and tried to occupy himself. Someone would come, no question, just not at that moment. So I start to hear him babble to himself and then suddenly I hear an almost chanting rhythm. Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da. God knows what he was saying but all day this went on. Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da. Sitting in his high chair or the car seat, watching TV, Playing with his Weebles or driving his trucks across the furniture and he even spent a good half hour of his naptime with it. Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da. Although it is quite fun to listen to and of course its really cute hearing this from is tiny little mouth with all ranges of tones and volumes, it can drive any single person insane.

I am hoping the Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da Do-Da has found its way out of that little busy brain of his.

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